Simplified character
Traditional character
岁 English definition
- classifier for years (of age)
- year
- year (of crop harvests)
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 㒸 : archaic variant of 遂[sui4];
- 䍁 : tassel;
- 檖 : (tree);
- 歲 : year old
- 歳 : Japanese variant of 歲|岁;
- 燧 : fire; speculum; to obtain fire by drilling wood, striking flint, sun's rays etc;
- 璲 : pendant girdle-ornaments;
- 睟 : bright eye; clear;
- 碎 : to break down; to break into pieces; fragmentary;
- 祟 : evil spirit;
- 穂 : Japanese variant of 穗[sui4];
- 穗 : ear of grain; fringe; tassel;
- 穟 : ear of grain;
- 繐 : fine and loose cloth; tassel;
- 襚 : grave-clothes;
- 谇 : abuse;
- 賥 : money and property;
- 遂 : to satisfy; to succeed; then; thereupon; finally; unexpectedly; to proceed; to reach;
- 邃 : deep; distant; mysterious;
- 鐩 : speculum;
- 隧 : tunnel; underground passage;
Sentences examples with 岁
Xiànzài, wǒ de nǚ'ér sì suìle. -
Tā érzi jīnnián bā suìle. -
Wǒ érzi sān suìle. -
他 30 岁而且……读完大学。
Tā 30 suì érqiě……dú wán dàxué. -
妈妈 50 岁了,看起来还很年轻。
Māmā 50 suìle, kàn qǐlái hái hěn niánqīng.
Words containing 岁, by HSK level
HSK 1 vocabulary list
岁 (suì): classifier for years (of age); year; year (of crop harvests)
HSK 6 vocabulary list
- 岁月 (suì yuè) : years; passing of time
- 压岁钱 (yā suì qián) : money given to children as new year present