然后 meaning and pronunciation

Simplified word
Traditional word

然后 English definition

rán hòu

  • then (afterwards)
  • after that
  • afterwards
  • after

HSK level


  • (rán): correct; right; so; thus; like this; -ly;
  • (hòu): back; behind; rear; afterwards; after; later; empress; queen;

Sentences examples with 然后

  • 我要先写完作业,然后再看电视。
    Wǒ yào xiān xiě wán zuòyè, ránhòu zài kàn diànshì.
  • 首先要休息好,然后才能工作好。
    Shǒuxiān yào xiūxí hǎo, ránhòu cáinéng gōngzuò hǎo.
  • 我昨天夜里 3 点就醒了,然后就再也睡不着
    Wǒ zuótiān yèlǐ 3 diǎn jiù xǐngle, ránhòu jiù zài yě shuì bù zháo