照顾 meaning and pronunciation

Simplified word
Traditional word

照顾 English definition

zhào gu

  • to take care of
  • to show consideration
  • to attend to
  • to look after

HSK level


  • (zhào): according to; in accordance with; to shine; to illuminate; to reflect; to look at (one's reflection); to take (a photo); photo; as requested; as before;
  • (gù): to look after; to take into consideration; to attend to;

Sentences examples with 照顾

  • 下个月我要离开一段时间,你好好照顾自己。
    Xià gè yuè wǒ yào líkāi yīduàn shíjiān, nǐ hǎohǎo zhàogù zìjǐ.
  • 我生病了,妈妈一直照顾我。
    Wǒ shēngbìngle, māmā yīzhí zhàogù wǒ.
  • 这些年,他给了我们很多照顾。
    Zhèxiē nián, tā gěile wǒmen hěnduō zhàogù.