- to walk on tiptoe
- to walk quietly
- to tread (on)
- to follow
- to walk on tiptoe
- to walk quietly
- to tread (on)
- to follow
- 啮 : to gnaw; to erode;
- 喦 : talkative;
- 嗫 : move the mouth as in speaking;
- 圼 : 炏
- 孽 : son born of a concubine; disaster; sin; evil;
- 摰 : to seize with the hand; to grasp; to advance; to breakdown;
- 敜 : to fill up or cover up a hole;
- 涅 : to blacken; abbr. for 涅槃[nie4 pan2];
- 糱 : fermenting grain; yeast;
- 聂 : to whisper;
- 聶 : Nie
- 臬 : guidepost; rule; standard; limit; target (old);
- 臲 : tottering; unsteady;
- 蘖 : new shoot growing from cut branch or stump;
- 蘗 : shoots from an old stump;
- 讘 : (old) to talk a lot; to talk nonsense; also pr. [zhe2];
- 镊 : tweezers; forceps; nippers; pliers; to nip; to pick up with tweezers; to pluck out;
- 镍 : nickel (chemistry);
- 闑 : vertical divider of a door way;
- 陧 : dangerous;
- 颞 : bones of the temple (on the human head); see 顳顬|颞颥, temple;