단순화 된 / 전통적인 특성
汨 한국어 정의
- name of a river, the southern tributary of Miluo river 汨羅江|汨罗江[Mi4 luo2 jiang1]
- name of a river, the southern tributary of Miluo river 汨羅江|汨罗江[Mi4 luo2 jiang1]
발음이 같은 문자
- 冖 : cover' radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 14), occurring in 军, 写, 冠 etc; see also 禿寶蓋|秃宝盖[tu1 bao3 gai4]; see also 平寶蓋|平宝盖[ping2 bao3 gai4];
- 嘧 : (phonetic) as in pyrimidine;
- 塓 : to plaster; whitewash (wall);
- 宓 : still; silent;
- 密 : 밀집한
- 幂 : power; exponent (math.); to cover with a cloth; cloth cover; veil;
- 幦 : chariot canopy;
- 泌 : 분비
- 秘 : 비밀
- 糸 : fine silk;
- 羃 : cover of cloth for food; veil;
- 蜜 : 꿀
- 觅 : 찾다. 목표물 탐색
- 谧 : quiet;
- 鼏 : cover of tripod kettle;
- 𥁑 : 鬳