단순화 된 문자
전통적인 캐릭터
赀 한국어 정의
- to estimate
- to fine (archaic)
- variant of 資|资[zi1]
- to estimate
- to fine (archaic)
- variant of 資|资[zi1]
발음이 같은 문자
- 兹 : now; here; this; time; year;
- 咨 : 찾다
- 姿 : 자세
- 孖 : twins;
- 孜 : hard-working; industrious;
- 孳 : industrious; produce; bear;
- 嵫 : name of a mountain in Gansu;
- 淄 : black; name of a river;
- 滋 : 키우다
- 澬 : to rain continuously;
- 粢 : common millet;
- 缁 : Buddhists; black silk; dark;
- 菑 : field recently opened for cultivation; surname Zi;
- 觜 : number 21 of the 28 constellations 二十八宿, approx. Orion 猎户座;
- 訾 : to calculate; to assess; wealth;
- 資 : Capital
- 资 : 자본
- 趑 : to falter; unable to move;
- 辎 : covered wagon; military supply wagon;
- 鄑 : place name;
- 锱 : ancient weight; one-eighth of a tael;
- 镃 : hoe; mattock;
- 髭 : mustache;
- 鰦 : kind of black fish (archaic); bad person (Cantonese slang);
- 鲻 : gray mullet (Mugil cephalus);
- 鼒 : tripod with a small opening on top;
- 龇 : projecting teeth; to bare one's teeth;