Caráter simplificado / tradicional
折 definição portuguesa
- dobra
- dobra
Níveis HSK
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 哲 : filosofia
- 悊 : to respect; old variant of 哲[zhe2]; philosophy; wisdom; intuitive knowledge; to revere;
- 摺 : document folded in accordion form; to fold;
- 晢 : bright;
- 磔 : tearing off limbs as punishment;
- 蛰 : to hibernate;
- 詟 : to be frightened;
- 谪 : to relegate a high official to a minor post in an outlying region (punishment in imperial China); to banish or exile; (of immortals) to banish from Heaven; to censure; to blame;
- 辄 : then; at once; always; (archaic) luggage rack on a chariot;
- 辙 : rotina
- 鮿 : (fresh-water fish);
Exemplos de frases com 折
Chūnjié qián, shāngchǎng dōu zài dǎzhé.
Palavras contendo 折 , por nível de HSK
Lista de vocabulário HSK 4
- 打折 (dǎ zhé) : desconto
Lista de vocabulário HSK 6
- 挫折 (cuò zhé) : frustração
- 曲折 (qū zhé) : tortuoso
- 折腾 (zhē teng) : sorteio
折 (zhé): dobra
- 折磨 (zhé mó) : torturado
- 周折 (zhōu zhé) : inversão de marcha
- 转折 (zhuǎn zhé) : ponto de inflexão