Caráter simplificado / tradicional
罻 definição portuguesa
- bird net
- bird net
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 为 : para
- 位 : mordeu
- 卫 : guarda
- 味 : gosto
- 喂 : ei
- 尉 : military officer;
- 徻 : a wide room;
- 慰 : conforto
- 未 : não
- 渭 : the Wei River in Shaanxi through the Guanzhong 關中|关中 plain;
- 為 : for
- 煟 : radiance of fire;
- 猬 : hedgehog (family Erinaceidae);
- 畏 : medo
- 胃 : estômago
- 蔚 : wei
- 薉 : weedy;
- 衛 : guard
- 衞 : guard
- 褽 : collar;
- 讆 : to exaggerate; incredible;
- 谓 : dizer
- 躗 : to exaggerate; to fabricate; falsehood;
- 霨 : rising of clouds;
- 魏 : tower over a palace gateway (old);