Ký tự giản thể / phồn thể
菆 nét Việt
- arrow
- weeds
Các ký tự có cách phát âm giống nhau
- 掫 : beat the night watches; grasp;
- 緅 : purple silk;
- 诹 : to choose; to consult;
- 郰 : birthplace of Confucius in Shandong;
- 鄹 : name of a state; surname Zou;
- 陬 : corner; foot of mountain;
- 驺 : groom or chariot driver employed by a noble (old);
- 鲰 : minnows; small fish;
- 黀 : hemp stem;
- 齱 : uneven teeth; buck-toothed;
- 𠂑 : 㳟