Ký tự giản thể / phồn thể
鷟 nét Việt
- phoenix
- river gull
Các ký tự có cách phát âm giống nhau
- 䅵 : chaff; bran;
- 丵 : thick grass; 'bush' component in Chinese characters;
- 叕 : to join together; to lack; narrow and shallow;
- 啄 : to peck;
- 圴 : footprint;
- 彴 : bridge;
- 擢 : to pull out; to select; to promote;
- 斫 : to chop; to hack; to carve wood;
- 斮 : cut off;
- 梲 : club (weapon); small pillar;
- 棳 : small pillars that support the roof, those which rest on the main beam;
- 椓 : beat;
- 汋 : to pour;
- 浊 : độ đục
- 濯 : to wash; to cleanse of evil;
- 灼 : luminous; burning; to burn; to cauterize;
- 禚 : place name;
- 篧 : creel for trapping fish;
- 茁 : to display vigorous, new growth; to sprout;
- 蠗 : (ape); (shell);
- 诼 : to complain;
- 酌 : tùy nghi
- 镯 : bracelet;