Vereinfachter / traditioneller Charakter
嘹 Deutsche Definition
- clear sound
- cry (of cranes etc)
- clear sound
- cry (of cranes etc)
Zeichen mit der gleichen Aussprache
- 僚 : bureaucrat; colleague;
- 嫽 : good; smart; to play;
- 寥 : empty; lonesome; very few;
- 寮 : Laos;
- 屪 : penis;
- 憀 : to rely on;
- 摎 : to strangle; to inquire into;
- 敹 : keep tidy and repaired; sew;
- 暸 : bright; clear;
- 燎 : to burn; to set afire;
- 獠 : fierce; hunt; name of a tribe;
- 疗 : behandlung
- 缭 : to wind round; to sew with slanting stitches;
- 聊 : plaudern
- 膋 : fat on intestines;
- 膫 : name of a state during Han Dynasty;
- 辽 : liao
- 飂 : wind in high places;
- 髎 : (literary) hip bone; (TCM) space between two joints;
- 鹩 : eastern wren;