Vereinfachter Charakter
Traditioneller Charakter
戏 Deutsche Definition
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Zeichen mit der gleichen Aussprache
- 係 : system
- 匸 : cover' or 'conceal' radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 23); see also 匚[fang1];
- 呬 : to rest;
- 戲 : play
- 滊 : name of a river;
- 潟 : saline land; salt marsh;
- 盻 : to glare at;
- 禊 : semi-annual ceremony of purification;
- 系 : system
- 繫 : system
- 细 : fein
- 绤 : coarse hempen fabric;
- 肸 : giggle; scatter;
- 舄 : shoe; slipper;
- 虩 : terrified;
- 衋 : sad (old);
- 謑 : shame; disgrace;
- 赩 : red; scarlet;
- 鄎 : place name;
- 釳 : (arch.) metal horn attached as shield to horse or to the axle of a chariot;
- 釸 : silicon;
- 鑴 : to engrave or carve, as a block for printing;
- 阋 : to argue; to quarrel;
- 隙 : spalt
- 饩 : grain ration; sacrificial victim;
Satzbeispiele mit 戏
Zhè shì háizimen zuì xǐhuān wán er de yóuxì.
Wörter, die 戏 enthalten, nach HSK-Stufe
HSK 3 Vokabelliste
- 游戏 (yóu xì) : spiel
HSK 5 Vokabelliste
- 戏剧 (xì jù) : theater