Vereinfachter Charakter
Traditioneller Charakter
摇 Deutsche Definition
- shake
- shake
Zeichen mit der gleichen Aussprache
- 䍃 : (archaic) vase; pitcher;
- 傜 : Yao tribe;
- 堯 : Yao
- 姚 : handsome; good-looking;
- 尧 : Yao
- 尭 : Japanese variant of 堯|尧[yao2];
- 峣 : high; steep; to tower;
- 徭 : compulsory service;
- 愮 : distressed, agitated;
- 揺 : Japanese variant of 搖|摇[yao2];
- 摿 : erroneous variant of 搖|摇[yao2];
- 爻 : the solid and broken lines of the eight trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], e.g. ☶;
- 猺 : Yao tribe;
- 珧 : mother-of-pearl;
- 瑶 : Yao ethnic group of southwest China and southeast Asia; surname Yao;
- 窑 : kiln; oven; coal pit; cave dwelling; (coll.) brothel;
- 繇 : folk-song; forced labor;
- 肴 : fleischgericht
- 謡 : Japanese variant of 謠|谣;
- 谣 : gerücht
- 轺 : light carriage;
- 遥 : fernbedienung
- 飖 : floating in the air;
- 鳐 : skate (cartilaginous fish belonging to the family Rajidae); ray (fish);
Wörter, die 摇 enthalten, nach HSK-Stufe
HSK 5 Vokabelliste
摇 (yáo): shake
HSK 6 Vokabelliste
- 摇摆 (yáo bǎi) : schwingen
- 摇滚 (yáo gǔn) : felsen