Vereinfachter Charakter
Traditioneller Charakter
离 Deutsche Definition
- von
- von
Zeichen mit der gleichen Aussprache
- 剺 : mark;
- 劙 : a divide, to partition;
- 厘 : centi
- 喱 : grain weight;
- 嫠 : widow;
- 梨 : birne
- 梩 : basket for removing earth; spade;
- 棃 : 㡭
- 漓 : to seep through;
- 漦 : go with current; mucus; spittle;
- 犁 : plow;
- 犛 : black ox; yak;
- 狸 : raccoon dog; fox-like animal;
- 璃 : glas
- 篱 : a fence;
- 纚 : (literary) to bind; to fasten; rope;
- 缡 : bridal veil or kerchief;
- 罹 : happen to; sorrow; suffer from;
- 蓠 : red algae; Gracilaria, several species, some edible; Japanese ogonori; arch. used for vanilla-like herb;
- 蔾 : chenopodiaceae;
- 藜 : name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed etc); Chenopodium album;
- 蜊 : clam;
- 蠡 : calabash;
- 褵 : bride's veil or kerchief;
- 貍 : raccoon
- 醨 : dregs of wine;
- 骊 : black horse; jet steed; good horse; legendary black dragon;
- 鲡 : eel;
- 鹂 : Chinese oriole;
- 黎 : li
- 黧 : dark; sallow color;
Satzbeispiele mit 离
Xīwàng tā lí gōngsī jìn. -
Wǒmen jiā lí gōngsī hěn jìn. -
Wǒ jiā lí xuéxiào hěn jìn. -
Wǒ jiā lí gōngsī hěn yuǎn. -
Xià gè yuè wǒ yào líkāi yīduàn shíjiān, nǐ hǎohǎo zhàogù zìjǐ.
Wörter, die 离 enthalten, nach HSK-Stufe
HSK 2 Vokabelliste
离 (lí): von
HSK 3 Vokabelliste
- 离开 (lí kāi) : geh weg
HSK 4 Vokabelliste
- 距离 (jù lí) : entfernung
HSK 5 Vokabelliste
- 离婚 (lí hūn) : scheidung
HSK 6 Vokabelliste
- 隔离 (gé lí) : isolation
- 脱离 (tuō lí) : wegbrechen