Vereinfachter Charakter
Traditioneller Charakter
纾 Deutsche Definition
- abundant
- ample
- at ease
- relaxed
- to free from
- to relieve
- abundant
- ample
- at ease
- relaxed
- to free from
- to relieve
Zeichen mit der gleichen Aussprache
- 书 : buch
- 倏 : sudden; abrupt; Taiwan pr. [shu4];
- 叔 : onkel
- 姝 : pretty woman;
- 抒 : ausdrücken
- 摅 : set forth; to spread;
- 摴 : dice; gambling; to release;
- 書 : book
- 杸 : to kill; a spear;
- 枢 : hinge; pivot;
- 梳 : kamm
- 橾 : the hole in the center of a wheel accommodating the axle (archaic);
- 殊 : besondere
- 殳 : spear;
- 毹 : rug;
- 淑 : warm and virtuous; (used in given names); Taiwan pr. [shu2];
- 疏 : spärlich
- 綀 : a kind of sackcloth;
- 舒 : shu
- 菽 : legumes (peas and beans);
- 蔬 : gemüse
- 軗 : Lu
- 输 : verlieren