Vereinfachter Charakter
Traditioneller Charakter
缬 Deutsche Definition
- knot
- tie a knot
- knot
- tie a knot
Zeichen mit der gleichen Aussprache
- 㶸 : (precise meaning unknown, relates to iron); variant of 協|协[xie2];
- 偕 : in company with;
- 勰 : harmonious;
- 协 : verband
- 挟 : to clasp under the arm; to coerce;
- 携 : tragen
- 撷 : to collect; Taiwan pr. [jie2];
- 斜 : schräg
- 胁 : drohen
- 襭 : carry with the front of a robe;
- 谐 : harmonie
- 邪 : demonic; iniquitous; nefarious; evil; unhealthy influences that cause disease (Chinese medicine);
- 鞋 : schuh
- 頡 : Jie
- 龤 : to harmonize; to accord with; to agree;