Simplified character
Traditional character
机 English definition
- machine
- engine
- opportunity
- intention
- aircraft
- pivot
- crucial point
- flexible (quick-witted)
- organic
- CL:臺|台[tai2]
- machine
- engine
- opportunity
- intention
- aircraft
- pivot
- crucial point
- flexible (quick-witted)
- organic
- CL:臺|台[tai2]
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 丌 : pedestal' component in Chinese characters;
- 乩 : to divine;
- 击 : to hit; to strike; to break; Taiwan pr. [ji2];
- 剞 : curved wood graver;
- 叽 : grumble;
- 唧 : (onom.) to pump (water);
- 圾 : rubbish; shaking; danger; see 垃圾[la1 ji1]; Taiwan pr. [le4];
- 基 : base; foundation; basic; radical (chemistry);
- 姫 : Japanese variant of 姬; princess; imperial concubine;
- 姬 : woman; concubine; female entertainer (archaic);
- 屐 : clogs;
- 撃 : Japanese variant of 擊|击[ji1];
- 激 : to arouse; to incite; to excite; to stimulate; sharp; fierce; violent;
- 犄 : ox-horns; wing of an army;
- 玑 : irregular pearl;
- 畸 : lopsided; unbalanced; abnormal; irregular; odd fractional remnant;
- 畿 : territory around the capital;
- 癪 : spasms; convulsions; hysteria;
- 矶 : breakwater; jetty;
- 禨 : omen; pray;
- 积 : to amass; to accumulate; to store; measured quantity (such as area of volume); product (the result of multiplication); to integrate (math.); to solve (or integrate) an ordinary differential equation (math.); old; long-standing;
- 稽 : to inspect; to check;
- 積 : product
- 笄 : 15 years old; hairpin for bun;
- 箕 : winnow basket;
- 绩 : to spin (hemp etc); merit; accomplishment; grade
- 缉 : to seize; to arrest
- 羁 : bridle; halter; to restrain; to detain; to lodge; inn;
- 肌 : flesh; muscle;
- 虀 : fragment; salted vegetables; spices;
- 觭 : odd; one horn up and one horn down;
- 讥 : to ridicule;
- 赍 : to present (a gift); to harbor (a feeling);
- 跂 : foot;
- 跻 : to go up (esp. in rank); to rise; to ascend;
- 迹 : footprint; mark; trace; vestige; sign; indication; Taiwan pr. [ji1];
- 隮 : to go up; to fall; rainbow; mist;
- 韲 : 𠇍
- 饥 : hungry;
- 鶏 : Japanese variant of 雞|鸡;
- 鸡 : chicken; fowl; CL:隻|只[zhi1]; (slang) prostitute;
- 齑 : finely chopped meat or vegetables; powdered or fragmentary;
- 𣪠 : 𡭴
Sentences examples with 机
Wǒ míngtiān zuò fēijī qù běijīng. -
Wǒ shì zuò fēijī lái zhōngguó de. -
Wǒ zuò fēijī qù běijīng. -
Tā zàixià fēijī ne. -
Wǒ zuò fēijī qù zhōngguó.
Words containing 机, by HSK level
HSK 1 vocabulary list
- 飞机 (fēi jī) : airplane; CL: 架[jia4]
HSK 2 vocabulary list
- 机场 (jī chǎng) : airport; airfield; CL:家[jia1] ,处[chu4]
- 手机 (shǒu jī) : cell phone; cellular phone; mobile phone; CL:部[bu4]
HSK 3 vocabulary list
- 机会 (jī huì) : opportunity; chance; occasion; CL:个
- 司机 (sī jī) : chauffeur; driver; CL:个
- 照相机 (zhào xiàng jī) : camera; CL:个,架[jia4] ,部[bu4] ,台[tai2] ,只[zhi1]
HSK 4 vocabulary list
- 登机牌 (dēng jī pái) : boarding pass
HSK 5 vocabulary list
- 机器 (jī qì) : machine; CL:台[tai2] ,部[bu4] ,个
HSK 6 vocabulary list
- 动机 (dòng jī) : motor; locomotive; motive; motivation; intention
- 机动 (jī dòng) : locomotive; motorized; power-driven; adaptable; flexible (use, treatment, timing etc)
- 机构 (jī gòu) : mechanism; structure; organization; agency; institution; CL:所[suo3]
- 机灵 (jī ling) : clever; quick-witted
- 机密 (jī mì) : secret; classified (information)
- 机械 (jī xiè) : machine; machinery; mechanical
- 机遇 (jī yù) : opportunity; favorable circumstance; stroke of luck
- 机智 (jī zhì) : quick-witted; tact; witty; resourceful
- 生机 (shēng jī) : opportunity to live; to reprieve from death; life force; vitality
- 时机 (shí jī) : fortunate timing; occasion; opportunity
- 收音机 (shōu yīn jī) : radio; CL:台[tai2]
- 投机 (tóu jī) : to speculate (on financial markets); opportunistic; congenial; agreeable
- 危机 (wēi jī) : crisis; CL:个