Ký tự giản thể / phồn thể
仞 nét Việt
Các ký tự có cách phát âm giống nhau
- 任 : ren
- 刃 : edge of blade;
- 妊 : pregnant; pregnancy;
- 牣 : fill up; to stuff;
- 絍 : to weave; to lay warp for weaving; variant of 紝|纴[ren4], silk thread for weaving;
- 纫 : to string; to thread (needle);
- 纴 : to weave; to lay warp for weaving; silk thread for weaving; variant of 紉|纫, to sew; to stitch; thread;
- 衽 : (literary) overlapping part of Chinese gown; lapel; sleeping mat;
- 认 : nhìn nhận
- 讱 : (literary) slow in speech;
- 轫 : brake;
- 韧 : khó khăn
- 饪 : nấu nướng
- 鵀 : hoopoe;
- 𦍌 : 耴