Ký tự giản thể / phồn thể
猭 nét Việt
- ape
- Hylobates agilis
- ape
- Hylobates agilis
Các ký tự có cách phát âm giống nhau
- 元 : nhân dân tệ
- 円 : yen (Japanese currency); Japanese variant of 圓|圆;
- 原 : nguyên
- 员 : thành viên
- 員 : member
- 园 : vườn
- 圆 : tròn
- 垣 : wall;
- 塬 : plateau, esp. Loess Plateau of northwest China 黃土高原|黄土高原[Huang2 tu3 Gao1 yuan2];
- 媛 : beautiful (woman);
- 嫄 : name of an empress;
- 援 : viện trợ
- 橼 : Citrus medica;
- 沅 : Yuan river in Guizhou and Hunan;
- 湲 : rushing (water);
- 源 : nguồn
- 爰 : therefore; consequently; thus; hence; thereupon; it follows that; where?; to change (into); ancient unit of weight and money;
- 猿 : ape;
- 笎 : bamboo with black patches;
- 縁 : Japanese variant of 緣|缘;
- 缘 : cạnh
- 羱 : large-horned wild goat;
- 芫 : lilac daphne (Daphne genkwa), used in Chinese herbal medicine;
- 蚖 : Protura (soil dwelling primitive hexapod); variant of 螈, salamander; newt; triton;
- 蝝 : locust larva without wings;
- 螈 : salamander; newt;
- 袁 : long robe (old);
- 辕 : trục
- 邧 : place name;
- 騵 : chestnut horse with white belly;
- 鼋 : sea turtle;